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Support us to uplift a child and more

KRSS is a non-profit organization and all our resources go towards our students and creating better infrastructure and environment for their education.  


Financial Support

Contribute To The KRSS Scholarship Fund

The scholarship fund supports some of our bright students, who come from the poorest and marginalized communities in our region. It is our commitment to maintaining a diverse and talented student body.


Contribute Now

Make A Gift

Over the last decade KRSS has been able to overcome several challenges, including the pandemic. This was only possible with the contributions form our supporters and well-wishers. You can also support us by contributing any amount you wish today, it will make a difference.

Contribute Now

Legacy Giving

Making a bequest to KRSS will ensure that your kindness can empower our students for generations to come. It will also reach to children coming from a wide section of the society. 


Express Interest

Non-Financial Support

Become A Mentor

At KRSS we regularly invite professionals and achievers from various walks of life to share their experience with our students and teachers. It is the only way to keep school education in the perspective of the life outside the campus. You can volunteer to become a mentor and inspire our students.

Express Interest

Give Internships

Within the scope school education, we give a lot of emphasis on developing employable skills in our students.

You can support us by taking some our senior school students as interns in your organization. 

Express Interest
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