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At KRSS we work towards giving our students values, skills and knowledge that will help them grow and create a better future for themselves and their families. 



It is really important to get the first step right. That’s the reason why our pre-primary section is given special attention. We use the Play-way method, an activity based experiential learning system where the children learn the fundamental life skills along with language and numeracy skills.

Grades 1-4

Our activity based experiential learning approach extends to Grades 1 to 4, here we expose our children to various audio visual stimuli to develop their awareness of the world around them. We integrate drama with the classroom lessons to help them develop mathematical intelligence and language skills.

Grades 5-8


In these grades we help the students to develop a strong academic foundation for learning advanced concepts in mathematics, sciences and humanities. There is a special emphasis on helping the children develop communication skills in English language, interpersonal skills and the confidence to speak in public. Students are also encouraged to compete in sports and participate in cultural activities.

Grades 9-12


These are the years where we help the students work towards creating a strong academic record, developing advanced social skills and getting recognition for their performance in sports and cultural activities. We also help the students to get career counseling and specialized training to tackle the various competitive exams.

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